How to setup lead scoring for Woodpecker using Zapier and Google Sheets
Lead scoring helps companies discover top prospects and determine their level of sales-readiness. This practice can maximize the value of your marketing efforts and the productivity of your sales team.
Nerdwise provides its’ clients with a complete system integrating with Google Sheets enabling sales leaders to uncover their top most engaged prospects at any given time.
This is a step-by-step guide to setting up lead scoring for your team, using Woodpecker, Zapier, and Google Sheets.
In this post you'll learn how to:
Maximize the value of your campaigns and lead gen efforts
Automatically generate actionable weekly reports from your woodpecker campaigns
Enable your sales leaders to quickly identify and follow up with top engaged prospects
Save 5+ hours per week that would be spent manually generating reports
Things you’ll need:
Woodpecker account (requires at least a “Pro Level” subscription)
Access to Google Sheets (expertise or assistance with formulas and scripts)
Zapier account
Getting Started: Set up your Google Sheet
Create a google sheet with (4) tabs on the bottom. One for “clicks”. One for “opens”. One for “top engaged” and the last is for a “Team Tab”. The “Team Tab”, when set up, will allow you to send automated reports via email. This process requires many formulas / scripts, so users must be very proficient with Google Sheets and the the various formulas required for automation.
For our reports, we like to include the fields below:
First and Last Name
Phone Number
Company Name
Engaged Score
LinkedIn URL
Prospects Status
Number of Opens
Number of Clicks
Date of Last Open
Date of Last Click
Next: Once all formulas, scripts and tabs are set up, it’s time to initialize the triggers:
Authorize the script to send emails on your behalf by clicking on Email Digest and selecting “Initialize triggers” from the drop down menu (Figure 1)
Follow the prompts and connect using your gmail account (Figure 2-4)
Set up your team and email frequency by going to the “Team” tab and enter your teams information for who would like to receive email digests. (Figure 5)
Figure 1: Go to email digest and “Initialize Triggers”
Figure 2: Click the “Continue” button
Figure 3 : Click On “Go To Email Digest (unsafe)”
Figure 4: Press the“Allow” button to sync google accounts
Figure 5: Setting up your team and email frequency
Now it’s time to create the Zaps!
Create an account / login to Zapier
Create (2) Custom Zaps to help Woodpecker and Google Sheets to automate reporting:
(1) zap will be used for tracking “Links Clicked”
(1) zap will be used for tracking “Emails Opens”
Connect your Woodpecker account by clicking “Choose Account” inside Zapier and use the API Key (from woodpecker) to configure new integration (Figure 6 -10)
Figure 6: Create a Zap between Woodpecker and Google Sheets
Figure 7: Sign into Woodpecker / Choose account
Figure 8: Paste API Key from Woodpecker into Zapier prompt
Figure 9: Select the “” account
Figure 10: Click Continue and then “Test Trigger”
Next: Integrate your google account and select your Google Sheet which should have the formulas, tabs and scripts already set up in order to automate this project. (Figure 11-15)
Figure 11: Connecting to google (and your Google Sheet!)
Figure 12: Setting up your fields
Figure 13: Setting up your fields continued
Figure 14: Setting up your fields continued
Special note: You will need to repeat the steps above for (2) unique Zaps needed for successful automation. (1) Zap will track and automate anything dealing with “opens” from any woodpecker campaigns. (1) Zap will be used to track and automate anything pertaining to “links clicked” (website, booking URLs etc.) included in any of your woodpecker campaigns.
Finally, be certain to test, test, test. If any formulas, scripts, API keys or Zaps are not aligned, you will end up with a very messy and non-actionable google sheet / report.