Grow Faster with Support From the Team at PeopleLinx

We believe in long-term relationships that create real value for our clients and partners.

Increase Expertise Advance your knowledge of marketing technhologies and systems to help clients grow faster.

Build Loyalty Increase the value and outcomes you create for clients by introducing a trusted partner.

Grow Faster Access new opportunities and exposure to prospects leveraging PeopleLinx resources.


“PeopleLinx solutions make the perfect addition to our stack of sales effectiveness programs. They ensure a regular flow of leads for our clients while we help maximize conversions”

James Rores

CEO, Floriss Group

 Technology Partner

Integrate your product with PeopleLinx to serve your existing and future customers.

Solution Partner

Provide consulting, implementation, and advisory services to PeopleLinx customers.

Growth Partner

Strategically align with PeopleLinx to grow faster together. Let’s make 1 + 1 = 3.

Benefits and Resources



Enjoy increased visibility and lead flow with co-promotions, referrals and complimentary services.


Gain early access to new features, APIs and opportunities to integration our solutions.


Become well-versed in the latest marketing technologies, systems and best practices.


Quickly expand your network, resources and solutions by joining our community of experts

 Partnerships in Action

  • Integration allows Lead Scoring and follow-through across the Woodpecker and PeopleLinx platforms to maximize sales productivity

  • On-demand access to ZoomInfo’s database of qualified opportunities, and extended services for ZoomInfo clients and partners

  • Professional sales coaching, training workshops, lead generation and appointment setting services for PeopleLinx clients

  • Expert sales coaching, training and go-to-market strategy for PeopleLinx clients, and extended services to Florris Group clients and partners

  • Sandler certified sales training, live workshops and consulting for PeopleLinx clients and community

  • Ongoing community Go-To-Market workshops and individual sessions for PeopleLinx clients

  • Sales training and reoccurring live training workshops for PeopleLinx clients and community

  • Sales training and mentorship for PeopleLinx clients, and priority lead generation for JPM clients